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All Heros
We are but warriors for the working-day; Our gayness and our guilt are all besmirch'd With rainy marching in the painful field; There's not a piece of feather in our host (Good argument, I hope, we shall not fly), And...
Charles Russell Lowell
Wut's wurds to them whose faith an' truth On war's red techstone rang true metal, Who ventered life an' love an, youth For the gret prize o' death in battle? To him who, deadly hurt, agen Flashed on afore the cha...
Daniel Boone And The Founding Of Kentucky
... Boone lived hunting up to ninety; And, what's still stranger, left behind a name For which men vainly decimate the throng, Not only famous, but of that GOOD fame, Without which glory's but a tavern song,-- Simple...
Farragut At Mobile Bay
Ha, old ship, do they thrill, The brave two hundred scars You got in the river wars? That were leeched with clamorous skill (Surgery savage and hard), At the Brooklyn Navy Yard. * * * * How t...
Francis Parkman
(1822-1893) He told the red man's story; far and wide He searched the unwritten annals of his race; He sat a listener at the Sachem's side, He tracked the hunter through his wild-wood chase. High o'er his head the so...
General Grant And The Vicksburg Campaign
What flag is this you carry Along the sea and shore? The same our grandsires lifted up-- The same our fathers bore. In many a battle's tempest It shed the crimson rain-- What God has woven in his loom ...
George Rogers Clark And The Conquest Of The Northwest
Have the elder races halted? Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the seas? We take up the task eternal, and the burden and the lesson, Pioneers! O Pioneers! All the past we leave behind, We debouch...
Gouverneur Morris
GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. PARIS. AUGUST 10, 1792. Justum et tenacem propositi virum Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus instantis tyranni Mente quatit solida, neque Auster Dux inquieti turbidus Hadriae, Nec f...
Hampton Roads
Then far away to the south uprose A little feather of snow-white smoke, And we knew that the iron ship of our foes Was steadily steering its course To try the force Of our ribs of oak. Down upon us heavily ...
John Quincy Adams And The Right Of Petition
He rests with the immortals; his journey has been long: For him no wail of sorrow, but a paean full and strong! So well and bravely has he done the work be found to do, To justice, freedom, duty, God, and man forever true. ...
King's Mountain
Our fortress is the good greenwood, Our tent the cypress tree; We know the forest round us As seamen know the sea. We know its walls of thorny vines, Its glades of reedy grass, Its safe and silent islands ...
Lieutenant Cushing And The Ram Albemarle
God give us peace! Not such as lulls to sleep, But sword on thigh, and brow with purpose knit! And let our Ship of State to harbor sweep, Her ports all up, her battle-lanterns lit, And her leashed thunders gathering for the...
O captain. My captain. Our fearful trip is done; The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and d...
Remember The Alamo
The muffled drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few. On fame's eternal camping-ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards ...
Robert Gould Shaw
Brave, good, and true, I see him stand before me now, And read again on that young brow, Where every hope was new, HOW SWEET WERE LIFE! Yet, by the mouth firm-set, And look made up for Duty's utmost debt, I coul...
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The Burning Of The Philadelphia
Gouverneur Morris
George Rogers Clark And The Conquest Of The Northwest
Farragut At Mobile Bay
Charles Russell Lowell
The Battle Of Trenton
Least Viewed
Remember The Alamo
The General Armstrong Privateer
The Death Of Stonewall Jackson
The Flag-bearer
The Cruise Of The Wasp
Sheridan At Cedar Creek
Lieutenant Cushing And The Ram Albemarle
The Charge At Gettysburg